Perceptions and socio-economic burden of Lymphatic filariasis in Fakai local government area of Kebbi state, Nigeria


  • Ukatu V E Department of Animal and Environmental Biology, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Nigeria
  • Sani N Department of Biological Sciences, Federal University, Gusau, Nigeria


knowledge, awareness, LF, Fakai LGA


Background: Nigeria is the second most endemic country in the world for Lymphatic filariasis, after India. Control efforts have been ongoing since the year 2010 but is often ha1mpered by poor community awareness and compliance to Mass Drug Administration.
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the perceptions and socio-economic burden of Lymphatic filariasis in Fakai LGA of Kebbi State, Nigeria, in order to develop disease control and intervention strategies.
Methods: A standardized questionnaire was adapted and a scale of measurement was developed. The methodology was quantitative and the study design was cross-sectional. A sample of 423 respondents was selected which include affected and unaffected members of the communities.
Findings: Knowledge about the cause, mode of transmission and preventive measure was very poor. Majority, comprising 68.9% of affected and 39.3% unaffected respondents attributed the cause to witchcraft. None believed it is caused by mosquito bite. On the other hand, they demonstrated relatively high awareness of the socio-economic implications of the disease as majority (56.0%) believed the disease decreases income of sufferers.
Conclusions: They are at high risk of LF. There is need for knowledge-based awareness for effective management of the disease.


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How to Cite

V E, U., & N, S. (2024). Perceptions and socio-economic burden of Lymphatic filariasis in Fakai local government area of Kebbi state, Nigeria. Innovative Research in Biotechnology, 3(1), 07–12. Retrieved from


